the blog.

Fixed My RDP Issue with Guacamole

I was trying to set up RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) with Guacamole and ran into a brick wall! I spent a good while pulling my beard out over this problem. Everything was working fine—MariaDB was set up, guacd was running, Guacamole was installed—but RDP just wouldn’t connect. 😪 I turned to Google! After some digging,…

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First impressions in mobile gaming

I didn’t want to believe that I am already old school for gaming, so I tried one of most popular game and i figured out that it was mobile, back in my ideas the only game you manage to play in the phone was snake, but things changed, and changed a lot! The mobile gaming…

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Pomodoro Technique is my favorite tool to improve productivity being easy and simple so that any person can improve their time management whether it is to study or work. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The name was giving due a Pomodoro (tomato) kitchen timer….

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Hello world!

Hello world! Welcome to my personal blog, I will be sharing here lot of things that I am learning and that may help me to have a quick reference when needed. The content may vary from games to coding, from motivational texts to using it as a diary. If you are reading this, I hope…

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